Never Fucking Relax Fest - DAY 3 - The Serfs, Dysko, Hothouse, Astio
Emerging like a missile from some surreptitious silo in southwestern Ohio, The Serfs are a
deliberately nebulous and incidentally industrialist gang of dance-floor hymners-- perturbed and
tranced-out troubadours whose sound and musical ideology seems to be a causal manifestation of
their immediate environments--hard-wired and hypnotic synthesized melodies propel alongside
churning and scraping percussion of every metallic tonality--with temperamental and eremitic words
and voices dictating the forlorn venture. Like their Ohio predecessors, The Serfs seem askew from
the art that surrounds them, and proud of it.

post disco techno noise punk Masochism of inner joy. The beat of a cracking whip, pressure and angst. Disco dance in front of the grave. Queerness, rage and resistance. Kink just kink. Formed during January 2022, out with a DIY record from SF MINI studio. Members from DIY collectives and other bands.