STREAM CLUB: Molly, Nature Morte, Pfarre, Meduxa Collectiv
From the outside it might look like „MOLLY“ went on a bit of an hiatus
after their 2020 Europe-tour in support of “All That Ever Could Have
Been“ - but with Covid hitting literally a week after the shows
wrapped up, they decided this might just be the time to go all in on
songwriting and studio work and on to record the best music they have
ever made. After almost two years of sweat and tears, of
experimentation and of recording and re-recording, their second
full-length album „Picturesque“ finally saw its completion in early
2022 and will be released via „Sonic Cathedral“ and „Dalliance
Recordings“ on the 13th of January 2023.
„Picturesque“ is born out of songwriter Lars Anderssons adoration for
the artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement of
Romanticism. „I really know nothing about visual art…“, Andersson
quotes, „…but every time I step into a museum and I’m about to pass
through the era of Romanticism I have to stop in awe - it really hits
a nerve within me, and it utterly immerses me to a point where I can’t
move“. Innocent appreciation soon turned into literal obsession and
with the epoch being characterized by its emphasis on emotion, its
idealization of nature, its suspicion of industrialization and its
reaction to the social and political norms of the Age of
Enlightenment, he soon couldn’t help but to see the strong parallels
to what he values in life, art and to the music "MOLLY" has been
creating over the past few years. With this ongoing passion the era of
Romanticism quickly became more and more of an underlying theme to the
songwriting of „Picturesque“, ending at a point where Andersson
decided to loosely base every song around a story from this time.
Mixing these themes and these specific stories with his own personal
experiences, feelings and affairs endet up becoming the lyrical and
structural blue-print for the record.
More is more: Musically „Picturesque“ mainly deviates from its
precursor by leaving behind some of its focus on minimalism in
songwriting, arrangement and production. While it definitely gives the
listener room to breath at one point or another, while it still (in
good old Post-Rock-fashion) builds up and breaks down, while it still
more than anything relies on simple melody and harmony as opposed to
noisy experimentation to transport feeling, „Picturesque“
- compared to „MOLLYs“ earlier catalogue - is pompous, its ornate, its
grandiose, its ambitious as hell and it literally is more of

Between Shoegaze and Black Metal, Nature Morte's music leaves us
speechless. Delicate and destructive, the Parisian trio creates a wall
of sound erasing all hope. A real trip into the depth of our souls,
the power of their music lay in their writing: unique atmosphere,
screaming voice, melancholic waves crushing everything in their
path... As they continue on working on their sound and writing,
'Oddity', their new album, will extend this vision of Post-Black Metal
by bringing elements of Shoegaze, Post-Punk, Indie Metal and

Black Metal, Electronics

meduxa collective will flinta* dj’s und mediaartists aus linz
wir sind eine gruppe von queeren, feministischen menschen, vereint
durch unsere leidenschaft für musik, sowie mediale kunst und die
vision, eine inklusive und gerechte club-kultur zu schaffen. als
kollektiv veranstalten wir partys mit dem ziel dazu beizutragen, die
linzer musikszene im sinne unserer queer-feministischen überzeugungen
durch unsere individuellen hintergründe und perspektiven kreieren wir
eine plattform für austausch, ausprobieren und zur gegenseitigen
unterstützung, sowie eine infrastruktur für musikliebhaber*innen.
im rahmen des stream festivals, werden drei djs des kollektivs die
kapu bespielen.
tame heart
tame heart (they/them)
deconstructed club, nightcore, trance
ich uploade mein herz... belebe das zerbrochene wesen mit dem rasenden
echo vergessener träume.
codi (they/them) ist am fuße der appalachen aufgewachsen, hat wurzeln
in berlin und breitet gerade in linz they flügel aus. they hat eine
vorliebe für dunkle, schnelle beats, durchzogen von aufmunternden
dosen cringe-pop und nightcore.
mess kj
mess kj (sie/ihr) ist eine linz-based dj. sie experimentiert gerne mit
verschiedenen stilen, welche im elektronischen sound verankert sind
und liebt es durch melodische rythmen menschen zum tanzen zu bewegen.
mess kj (she/her) is a linz-based dj. she likes to experiment with
different sound based in electronic music and loves to make people
dance with melodic rythms.
cclair (she/her/ or no pronoun)
eine reise irgendwo zwischen happy techno, abweichend und feeling medusa....
a journey somewhere between happy techno, deviant and feeling medusa....